A Soul Alignment Experience
Uplifting Mountain Retreat

Adirondacks Mountains ~ Keene, New York

Five Days and Four Nights held in the mountains with plenty of time ignite your soul and all your senses in the ancient rock that is uplifting the Adirondack mountain dome. This is a unique mountain range where 1,000 million year old rock is uplifting 100+ miles of ground, and is till doing so one foot per century. Entering this part of upstate New York you are going to feel the wisdom of the old rock as well as the beauty of the lush valley. Experience movement, personal growth workshops and experiences, as well as time for reflection during your stay.
Soul Alignment Retreat
JUN 10th to JUN 14th 2024

Monday, JUN 10th ~ Arrive to The Bark Eater Inn,
Dinner together in Town
Tuesday, JUN 11th ~ 10am Nurturing Yourself with Yoga
Breakfast, 3-6pm Inflow/Outflow Workshop w/ Amanda
Wednesday, JUN 12th ~ 10am Balance Your Chakras
Breakfast, 4pm Light Dinner at Inn, 6-7:30pm Group Breathwork
Thursday, JUN 13th ~ Hiking Excursion Van Hoevenberg
Breakfast, 4pm Kirtan Yoga, Dinner together in Town
Friday, JUN 14th ~ Check out 11am
Breakfast at Inn, Safe Travels Home
**Breakfast provided at Inn and Light Dinner on Wednesday Night. Lunch and Dinner is not included except where noted.

More About the Experience!
During your stay at Bark Eater Inn for 5 days and 4 nights you will explore yourself in the simplicity of the Adirondack Mountains, gathering of souls looking for space to explore their unique inner world and unfold their innate gifts by balancing the inflow and outflow of energy. I am talking about freedom to be exactly what you want and need to live a well lived life!
Experience mindful pauses & excursions on this uplifting Mountain Retreat to reconnect to the essence of you.

3PM – Check in
6PM – Dinner/Social Together in Town
Tuesday JUN 11 first full day
8:30AM – Breakfast at Inn
10AM – Nurturing Yourself with Yoga at Yurt w/ Amanda
4PM to 6PM – Workshop: Balancing your Inflow and Outflow
This experience is created based on who shows up and the wisdom that will be pulled together by the unique group that attends. Therefore, material and techniques will be chosen to facilitate balancing your inflow and outflow of energy. Each person will walk away feeling spiritually regrouped so they are more relaxed in the world. Relaxed people make decisions that can change their world!
By balancing your inflow and outflow in a peaceful unfamiliar place, life starts to flow with you effortlessly. The see-sawing between being in balance and out of balance, then back in balance starts to make sense. This is why we go on retreat or vacation, to have space not filled with day-to-day responsibilities. Finding balance is a little easier on retreat in a workshop because you don’t have the normal stressors of life AND it’s a good time to clear on the future. You will experience techniques to sense your future and magnetize that plan for your future self.
Regroup for yourself where you are at, and know you have the space too adjust your sails and refine that plan. Finding balance in your inflow and outflow of energy will allow you to sense ahead so your plans work out better than you anticipated! Music, after all, is the space between the notes.
Wednesday JUN 12
8:30AM – Breakfast at Inn
10AM – Balance Your Chakras Yoga w/ Amanda
Your senses will be enlivened in this rejuvenating gentle yoga practice. Experience the energy centers in your body called Chakra’s. Using the yoga poses, breathwork, visualizations, and the healing sounds of Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls you will walk out of the yoga class having a feeling for these energies in your body. Be lead through a process of clearing, activating, and cleansing these areas that will leave you feeling restored and energized.
4PM – Light Dinner at Inn
6PM to 8PM – Workshop 2: Breathwork Workshop with Meghan Kirkpatrick
Introduction & Intention Setting, Active Breathing, Rest & Integration. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel and each person experiences the breathwork differently. It can be quite powerful and profound. Many people exclaim after with phrases like, “WOW & Holy Shit!” Breathing in this way floods our bodies with oxygen and energy flows into the body. Typically you will experience tingling and vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. It is balancing to our nervous system, gives a boost for the immune system increasing white blood count, and opens our hearts to heal trauma and release emotions. To learn more about Meghan’s Breathwork, visit her website.
Thursday JUN 13 last full day at the Inn
8:30AM – Breakfast at Inn
Excursion – Hiking Mt. Van Hoevenberg
Enjoy this well-appointed trail filled with native wildflowers, foliage, and spectacular views of the High Peaks from its 2,940-foot summit. Hikers begin a gentle climb to one of the finest views of the High Peaks. Switchbacks are used throughout the trail so the climb does not get too steep as it meanders through the woods. In the spring, you’ll see tons of bright wildflowers. The hardened trail, 4.7 miles Round Trip takes 2 & 1/2 hours, is easy on the knees.
Not sure you’re ready for Mt Van Hoevenberg? Take a leisurely stroll, meandering on our cross-country ski trails through wooded paths and open fields on trails for every ability. Some are short, and some are long, take a quick walk or a long run while enjoying access to some of the best outdoor experiences in the Adirondacks.
4PM – Kirtan Yoga w/ Sarah Chien
Kirtan is an ancient yogic practice of prayer and praise to the Divinity that pervades the entire universe. In this accessible, heart-felt practice, we join our voices in call-and-response singing of the Divine names offered to us in the ancient and profound Sanskrit language. Anyone with a heart and a voice can engage in this musical practice as it is a practice to uplift and connect humanity, with each name connecting us with aspects of our very own Divine nature. Join for this precious opportunity to let the mind rest in the heart space and experience the power of Sacred Sound.
6PM Dinner/Social in Town
Friday JUN 14 DEPART
8:30AM – Breakfast/Social
11AM – Check out

Getting to the Bark Eater Inn
The Bark Eater Inn is located at 124 Alstead Hill Rd, Keene, New York. The closest Airport large airport is Albany International Airport, where you can rent a car and drive two hours north to the Inn. If you live in the North East or Mid Atlantic its a one day drive to the Inn.

Mountain Retreat
Freedom to Be, step away to balancing your Inflow with your Outflow to feel energetic about life! We will be nurturing ourselves with gentle yoga movements, sound meditations to balance chakras (432hz Quartz Crystal Bowls), instinct healing techniques, transformational breathwork group session, and finishing the week with Kirtan Yoga which is a very uplifting experience. Bring your journal to explore the prompts given at breakfast each morning to all an inflow messages from the universe, and explore the art/painting supplies that will be available for creative Outflow throughout your time.

5 Days, 4 Nights Adirondacks Uplifting Mountain Retreat
Rekindle your enthusiasm for life! Step away from your status quo into the mountains where you can Breathe, Rest & Integrate. The Retreat fee includes breakfast, lodging, two 90 minute yoga experiences, Kirtan Yoga, group breathwork, mid week light dinner, Social, and a Personal Direction Workshop (airfare not included).
$1200 Private Room
$1000 Shared Suite
$800 Shared Cabin
Non-Refundable Deposits and payment plans for a fee available at registration.
Monday June 10, 2024 3:00 pm until Friday June 14, 2024 11:00am
The Bark Eater Inn - 124 Alstead Hill Rd, Keene, NY 12942

call/text: (757) 570-2957