Practicing Yoga is a practice of harmonizing with the world around you using the 8 limb path that has been passed down through the Yoga Sutras (threads) for thousands of years. The 8 limbs are tried and true, but the way we harmonize changes as civilizations change which is why religions from around the world have adopted Patanjali’s Yoga as a science that describes how to optimize the human experience physically.
Practice from anywhere.
Any class Amanda teaches in person or online ends up being a self study, this is because self study deepens communion with one’s own personal divinity. Being divine is simply the ability to transcend perceived human limitations. Amanda will not be ‘practicing’ with you but teaching you a practice that will speak to and balance your mind, body, and soul. Her verbal cues will lead you on a inner journey of movement and breath to explore your divinity every week in your personal yoga practice.