A Soul Alignment Experience

Personal Retreat

Guatemala City to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Seven Days and Six Nights in the majesty of Guatemala. Enliven your soul and all your senses with this meander from Guatemala City to Mystical Yoga Farm at Lake Atitlan. This part of the world is both an ancient Mayan and modern sacred site home to 3 Volcanoes, the lake a long ago collapsed volcano, and Grandfather mountain. Entering this area of the world is like stepping into timeless time. Experience ceremony, in depth personal growth workshops, and healing experiences to birth your soul’s desire!


Soul Alignment Retreat

FEB 23th to FEB 29th 2024

Your Itinerary

Friday, FEB 23rd ~ Arrive to Guatemala City,
Dinner together in City stay in Barcelo

Saturday, FEB 24th ~ Travel Day to Lake Atitlan, Santiago
visit for supplies, Dinner at Mystical Yoga Farm, Opening Ceremony

Sunday, FEB 25th ~ 7am Sunrise/Meditation/Yoga for Any Body
Breakfast/Lunch, Workshop 1, Siesta/Excursion 1, Temazcal

Monday, FEB 26th ~ 7am Sunrise/Meditation/Yoga for Any Body
Breakfast/Lunch, Workshop 2, Siesta/Excursion 2, Release Ceremony

Tuesday, FEB 27th ~ 7am Sunrise/Meditation/Yoga for Any Body
Breakfast/Lunch, Siesta/Excursion 3, Cacao Ceremony

Wednesday, FEB 28th ~ 7am Sunrise/Closing Ceremony, Breakfast,
Travel to Guatemala City, Dinner Together and stay at Barcelo

Thursday, FEB 29th ~ Breakfast and Safe Travels Home

**Vegan Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner provided at Yoga Farm, Lake Atitlan. On your own time and dime travel to village or town for lunch or dinner ♥ Feel free to use our excursions as opportunity to purchase food & supplies.

More About the Workshops & Excursions!

During your stay at Lake Atitlan for 3 full immersive days and 4 nights you will explore yourself and the simplicity of Guatemala using the tools and techniques you learn in the workshops, which will lay the ground work for the Release ceremony and Nourishing Cacao Ceremony.  Each excursion will give practical experience in using ALL your senses!

4PM – Arrival to Mystical Yoga Farm (MYF)
5PM – Vegan Dinner at MYF
7PM – Opening Ceremony at the Dock

Sunday FEB 25 first full day
7AM – Sunrise Meditation, Yoga, Swim in the Lake
9AM – Vegan Breakfast at MYF
10AM to 1PM – Workshop 1: Unfolding the Direction of Your Soul Consciousness with Amanda
Rekindle your enthusiasm for life! Tap into and start using all of your senses to navigate to a path that is personally fulfilling and abundant. Did you know there is protection in direction? When you have a clear direction in mind, not much can sway you from your desire.

We have all have our thing that seems to come up and throw us off our path. The first step to releasing anything is to become AWARE of the energy present!  Stop and start discerning the best course of action.

This course examines in depth the area that often prevents people from accomplishing their goals. To have a clear vision for your personal direction and create abundance you need to address the area that is undermining your progress. We will use the all our senses, tap into our collective experiences, and the environment we are in to assist in the healing process.

1PM – Vegan Lunch at MYF
2PM to 4PM – Workshop 1 Wrapup
5PM – Excursion to Santiago
8PM – Temazcal

Monday FEB 26
7AM – Sunrise Meditation, Yoga, Swim in the Lake
9AM – Vegan Breakfast at MYF
10AM to 1PM – Workshop 2: Breathwork Workshop with Meghan Kirkpatrick
Introduction & Intention Setting, Active Breathing, Rest & Integration. There are a wide range of sensations that you may feel and each person experiences the breathwork differently. It can be quite powerful and profound. Many people exclaim after with phrases like, “WOW & Holy Shit!” Breathing in this way floods our bodies with oxygen and energy flows into the body. Typically you will experience tingling and vibrating sensations, as well as both physical and emotional release. It is balancing to our nervous system, gives a boost for the immune system increasing white blood count, and opens our hearts to heal trauma and release emotions. To learn more about Meghan’s Breathwork, visit her website.

1PM – Vegan Lunch at MYF
2PM to 5PM – Excursion to San Juan
5PM – Vegan Dinner at MYF or stay in town for Dinner
8PM – Release Ceremony and Fire at MYF

Tuesday FEB 27 last full day at the lake
7AM – Sunrise Meditation, Yoga, Swim in the Lake
9AM – Vegan Breakfast at MYF
10AM to 1PM – Options for participants are climb the volcano, or siesta
1PM – Vegan Lunch at MYF
2PM  – Excursion to San Marco
6PM – Vegan Dinner at MYF or stay in town for Dinner
8PM – Cacao Ceremony at MYF

7AM – Sunrise Meditation, Closing Ceremony
9AM – Vegan Breakfast at MYF
11AM – Depart Mystical Yoga Farm and travel back to City
5PM – Arrival to Barcelo Hotel
7PM – Dinner on the town or rest

Wednesday FEB 28 Travel Home
Breakfast offered at Barcelo, Check out is 11AM

Begin the Journey in Guatemala City

We will meet, break bread, and gather at Barcelo Hotel Guatemla City to stay the night, the next morning we set out on a 4-5 hour meander through the mountains to Santiago Atitlan, on Lake Atitlan to where we will be exploring the local fare, participating in Soul Alignment experiences each day, and making friendships that will last a life time.

Destination Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Driving towards the Volcano’s in Guatemala is an adventure all by itself, staying around the lake for 3 days and 4 nights is a full on immersion into the mystical nature of the Jungle that surrounds San Pedro, Toliman, and Atitlan the three volcano’s of Guatemala.  We will be using all our senses to get from Guatemala City to Mystical Yoga Farm near Santiago Atitlan.

Once we arrive, the soul growth begins! Swim in the healing waters of Lake Atitlan, get to know yourself better by shedding away all the layers the modern world has placed on you.  Underneath all the conforming, and condition there is a wild, electric soul ready to do amazing things in the world.  Meet yourself as you have never met yourself before.

The Places you will lay for rest!

Guatemala is a unpredictable and exciting adventure that will start with the comforts you are accustomed to in our modern and digital world, slowly you will transition into cozy and simpler spaces that kiss the outdoors and where the comforts you brought with you in your bag will be your best friend.

I have found that a slower transition into fewer and fewer modern comforts (like reliable Wi-Fi or Cellular service) is ideal, this is what we will aim for in this experience. Being 100% involved in the experience of visiting another country and deeply immersing yourself into Aligning your Soul requires striping things away so that you can put them back in alignment or shed them all together.  At Lake Atitlan we will be giving to mother nature all the things we don’t need anymore so we can return to our life with a fresh perspective, clear direction, and feeling aligned with due north!



7 Days, 6 Night Soul Alignment Experience

Rekindle your enthusiasm for life! Step away from your status quo into the jungle and mountains where you can Breathe, Rest & Integrate. The Retreat fee includes food, lodging, ground transport to and from excursions, Ceremonies, Personal Direction Workshop, and Breathwork Experience/Session (airfare not included).

$2,555  paid in full

Non-Refundable Deposits and payment plans for a fee available at registration.


Friday February 23, 2024 6:00 pm until Thursday February 29, 2024 10:00am

Barceló Guatemala City and Santiago Atitlan Guatemala


call/text: (757) 570-2957